Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sponsorship Gift Distribution

Whew! Everyone is tired this evening but it is such a ‘good’ feeling of tired. Today we held one of 2 distributions for sponsored children who were the recipients of ‘special gifts’ sent by their sponsors.

The children all came with a parent or care-taker. Some of them even arrived as much as an hour and a half early! We were ready so we took advantage of the extra time and started working with the children as soon as they arrived.

Each child colored a ‘thank you’ picture for his sponsor, got his or her picture taken to send to the sponsor, and then left with their little pile of gifts which sometimes included a new bicycle, a sac of grain, and/or a goat or two.

Lots of smiles and lots of happy families. . . and for me, a heart full of thankfulness for the wonderful sponsors who pour their love out on our children in these tangible ways.

Grandmothers and Care-takers

Getting ready for pictures.

Getting measured for new uniforms

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