Sunday, October 23, 2011

Little Dresses for Africa

Today we held the Kid's Bible Club in Doure and as a special treat for the children, we brought 'Little Dresses for Africa' for each of the little girls. There were about 120 children gathered around the church this afternoon and 62 of these children were little girls.

The children listened to the story of salvation. They sang songs and clapped their hands. They memorized a scripture . . . and each of the little girls went home wearing a new dress. What a fun day!

I cannot begin to name the wonderful friends and groups of friends who have sent us these little dresses. But, I pray God's richest blessings on each one of you who have given of your time and talent and I know, have prayed over these dresses.

They have been a huge blessing and have given many little girls a reason to smile.

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