Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Food Distribution - June 2010

Sponsorship Food Distribution – June 2010
This past week we held food distributions at our 5 distribution centers for our sponsored children. As usual, these were days of joy.

We talked with each child noting their end-of-school-year information in preparation for school registration for this Fall.

Each child made a special gift to send to their sponsor.

Each family took home a 200 lb sac of corn to carry them through these next few months until the harvest is ready.

A mother and her children waiting for the distribution to start.

Each distribution day is a day of great joy. It is good to see each of the children, to talk with their parents, and to get a report of how the children are doing in school. And it is a great joy to see the smiles of appreciation from the children and their care-takers for your gifts of food. care-takers.

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