Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Answers to prayer--

Harouna Update--

We have wonderful news to report in that our Social Action worker was able to find an uncle in Harouna's father's family who wanted to take Harouna into his family as his own son. Through past mis-communication within the family, the uncle thought that Harouna was dead and when he heard that he was a thriving little 10 year old, he did not hesitate to invite him into his home.

We are thankful that the Lord used us to place Harouna with this loving family.

School Construction Update--

The construction of our new school is nearly complete. The workers are in the finish work stage and the building will be completely finished in the next 7 to 10 days.

The construction process has gone well. We have a very solid building which is also beautiful. We are praying over these new classrooms and the children and teachers who will make our school a center for learning.

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