Thursday, October 04, 2012

A Gift of Bookbags

School started this past Monday (Oct 1st) here in Burkina and our courtyard was full of happy chatter and excited little voices.  There was just a bit of crying from little first graders who were not happy when their mama or papa left them at school.  But throughout the day our time was filled with typical first day of school activities.

Yesterday, something not so typical happened.  Through a gift from the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) we received 300 book bags for the children in our primary and secondary schools.  The book bags were hand made and filled with notebooks, pens, pencils, a ruler and an eraser.

 Chad and Isa Warfel, the MCC country directors in Burkina, made the trip to Yako to assist in the distribution of the book bags. 

Our children are very happy and their parents are even happier!  Thank you, Chad and Isa for this gift and thank you MCC for the great work that you are doing throughout the world.

This is a 7th grade classroom in our new school building.

1 comment:

Charlotte M. said...

Wow! What a blessing!